Regular Checking Account
No monthly maintenance fee or debit fees will be charged if you maintain one or more of the following balances.
- $300 Minimum daily balance
- $600 Average balance
- Minimum combined balance of $1,000
For the combined balance, the minimum daily balance of your Regular Checking account and designated Savings account, Certificate of Deposit, IRA, or Hi-Fi Money Market account will be used. Sign up with our Customer Service Representatives to designate the account.
Maintenance Fee………………………….$2.50
Fee per debit………………………………..$0.25
Minimum Opening Balance………….$50.00
* Senior Citizen (age 62)……..NO CHARGE
Sign up with Customer Service Representatives to qualify.
Now, Supernow & Hi-Fi Accounts Interest Information
Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account daily.
Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit non-cash items (for example, checks).
Interest is compounded and credited on the last day of the statement cycle. If you close your account before interest is credited, you will receive the accrued interest.
We use the daily balance method to calculate interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.
Interest rates and the annual percentage yield are provided in an additional disclosure.
Regular Now Account
You must deposit $750.00 to open this account and you must maintain a minimum balance of $750.00 in the account each day to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed.
Account balances of $750.00 or more will have no maintenance fee or debit fees charged.
Maintenance Fee…………$7.50
Fee per debit……………….$0.25
There are an unlimited number of transactions permitted. ATM/CHECKCARD available. Regular NOW accounts are limited to individuals certain non-profit organizations and governmental units.
Supernow Account
You must deposit $2,500 to open this account and you must maintain a minimum balance of $2,500 in the account each day to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed.
Account balances of $2,500 or more will have no maintenance fee or debit fees charged.
Maintenance Fee…………..$7.50
Fee per debit…………………$0.25
There are an unlimited number of transaction permitted. ATM/Checkcard available. Interest rates and annual percentage yields vary depending on the amount in your account. An additional rate sheet will show the tiered rate schedule for this account.
Supernow accounts are limited to individuals, certain non-profit organizations and governmental units.
Hi-Fi Money Market Account
You must deposit $2,500 to open this account and you must maintain a minimum balance of $2,500 in the account each day to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed.
Account balances of $2,500 or more will have no maintenance fee or debit fees charged.
Maintenance Fee…………$7.50
Fee per debit……………….$0.25
You may not make more than six (6) transfers and withdrawals from your account per month by means of a preauthorized or automatic transfer or telephone (including data transmission) agreement, order or instruction or by check, draft, debit card or similar order payable to third parties.
Interest rates and annual percentage yields vary depending on the amount in your account. An additional rate sheet will show the tiered rate schedule for this account. ATM/Checkcard cards are not available with the Hi-Fi money Market Accounts.
Value Checking
No Minimum Daily Balance Required.
May make 10 debits each month. Each debit in excess of 10 will be charged $.50 per debit.
ATM/Check Card not available on this account.
Military Checking
We are proud to serve past and present members of our nation’s military with this special banking program. It is our small way to give back to those who have given their all.
Veterans and current military personnel are eligible for a military checking and savings account with valid military ID.
- No minimum daily balance required
- No monthly maintenance fee
- No fee per withdrawal
- Check Card available on this account*
*subject to approval
Student Checking
- No minimum daily balance required
- No maintenance fee
- No fee per withdrawal
- ATM/Check Card available
- E-statement required
Upon account holder immediate graduation from high school or college and at bank’s discretion, the account will change to a regular checking account with ATM/Check Card access and account holder will be subject to regular checking account with ATM/Checkcard account rules.